What’s the end game in Leadership Development Coaching?

By October 28, 2011 Leadership No Comments

When implementing a new leadership development coaching and mentoring program a choice needs to be made. Which way the training dollar will be best spent? In contemplating the answer one would first need to address the desired results and impact. The topics and key areas on offer in leadership development coaching and mentoring programs are vast, so which will indeed have the most influence?

One can argue that building a culture for success would be a topic whereby the ripple effect would be widely felt across the whole organisation. If that is the case the leadership development coaching question would be, “What are the factors that would lead to its fulfilment?” One most certainly could not ignore the fact that leadership creates culture in organisations, and therefore leadership development is a key transformational tool. Leadership development coaching should therefore be about assisting leaders to walk the talk of their preferred culture.

This is a tough ask. But how many leaders would be happy to put their hands up and volunteer to go through this leadership development coaching and mentoring process? The significance is felt when the realisation that their behaviour style effects other, and when modified, can enhance the satisfaction, fulfilment and performance of their teams.

With leadership comes great responsibility and accountability. So too is it the responsibility of the leadership development coaching professional as the custodian of the leader in supporting positive and sustaining outcomes.

Without a healthy degree of self awareness, perseverance and commitment these results will not be possible. But first is the buy in to this connection and the issue of sustainability of the behavioural change results.

Buy in can often be a challenge. Real life examples and diagnostic analysis tools do prove this mirror effect. It would be the responsibilty of any leadership coach and mentor to ensure this is done in a safe, trusted and constructive manner.

So too will it take openness, vulnerability and cooperation from the leader to ensure a positive result. This being said it still remains a stumbling block for many leadership development coaches as well as many leaders and managers. An effective leadership development coach, can bridge the gaps and encourage what’s needed to bring sustainable and exciting results for their clients.

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