My story

As a young healthy and fit 45-year-old male I never would have imagined that one day I would be given news that I have an aggressive cancer so invasive that it could take my life.

Naively I thought that cancer happens to other people and that somehow I was immune to contracting such a severe illness.

The irony is that I was an advisor for over 11 years specialising in risk sales and authored a book D-Stress, Building Resilience in Challenging Times only two years prior to my diagnosis.

Little did I know that I would be claiming on the policies I sold and would be using the resilience techniques I wrote about to get through such a challenging time.

After having survived this experience I become passionate about inspiring and re-invigorating advisors about the urgency to protect their clients.

Had I not been sufficiently covered I would have been in severe financial difficulties having to sell my home at a time that I could least afford to do so.

In this keynote I share my story with the hope that it re-ignites the passion for advisors to protect their clients and become the financial lifesaver when their client’s status changes from policyholder to claimant.

Advisors will be inspired to…

  • Shift their perception from being an advisor to a financial lifesaver
  • Influence the mindset of their clients to make critical illness and income protection an important priority to them
  • Make risk sales a key part of their business

Key Messages

  1. To instil a renewed sense of meaning and purpose in being a financial advisor
  2. To re-ignite the passion and importance of risk sales
  3. To create a sense of urgency to protect clients
  4. How to transform clients beliefs about risk protection
  5. How to keep optimistic in a tough selling environment.